Hey Jammers, Cowlan here, with the possible the best/worse update ever!
AJHQ made us wait a little longer for the new updates, but we got them! Spikes are in the diamond shop!
Look similar? Yeah.. Looks like AJHQ thinks, "Welp, Minecraft is popular, Minecraft is 'pixely.' Let's add this house no one will buy to the game!"
I won't buy the new den, since I only have one diamond :'( and because it's just not worth it.
Penguins are back!! They are soooo CUTE! I just want to grab it and just.... (Lets out fangirl squeal)
Now... AJHQ Has set up a 'Wild Explorer's Tent' in Coral Canyons! Featuring Cami. If you don't know who Cami is, here is a copy and pasted story!
This item pays a tribute to Cami, a young girl who is a Leukemia survivor, and whose father works at WildWorks, A.K.A AJHQ. The Cami's Frog toy is based on Cami's favorite toy, Froggy.