Tuesday, November 8, 2016

BunnyQueen645- report

Heeeeeeey jammers! Happy election day! (If you live in the U.S.A) Anyways, today will not be a normal post. I was trying to avoid this for as long as possible. I don't like drama. I didn't want to go into any specifics. But i see I now have to fight fire with fire. As many of you may not know, I am a part of a Scam Catching Society. Well, i was looking for scammers when I ran into BunnyQueen645 doing a giveaway. She said to look on her Jammer Wall for more information. * My screenshots are on my other desktop, I will try and get them ASAP, but my sister will not let me on. my apologies*

The only evidence I have now, is this (I got it off her Instagram)

*BELIEVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE IS A LACK OF EVIDENCE. Think of how long you have known me, and how long you have known BunnyQueen. Who will you trust? Now, I tend to be a bit skeptical myself, so I understand if you want or even NEED to wait until evidence emerges*

Her discipline history (Gotten off her Instagram) 

She has person, Language, and Other misdemeanors on her history.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Twists & Turns

Hey Jammers! Cowlan here. Today, I get onto Animal Jam- and played Twists & Turns for the first time in a year. This is my FAVORITE adventure. I just love the graphics and the den items look so nice. I just play it over and over. It's so soothing to me for some reason. 

Here's a map of the adventure. I really like how AJHQ made the question marks incomplete to confuse us.

Anywayssss, onto the new fall items.

This is the new acorn hat. When I first saw it thought it was a pineapple. It costs 600 gems

Saturday, November 5, 2016

BunnyQueen - STOP

Stop it PLEASE! Also, im a she, not a he. Common mistake. Just STOP!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Im Sorry

Im sorry Vic.  I know you probably won't see this and probably don't want anything to do with me, but I just wanted to make a public apology. Im so sorry. I never should've told Fire. I'm sorry for being a horrible friend.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

This was NOT what I expected...

Well guys, there goes my faith in the Animal Jam community. Someone posted a video on youtube accusing me of SCAMMING. Well, she thankfully only has 33 subs, but Im still really upset. 1) She straight up said "SO GIVE HER LOTS OF HATE" in her video. 2) She said I said I was giving away a black long collar, when I was actually giving away a green long wrist. 3) She's asking all her viewers to hate on me multiple times the video.  I never scammed, and I would never think of scamming.

This is what happened: I was advertising my giveaway, and i got a group of 7-8 people. i came to my den, and around 4 people left. i assume it is because in my advertising I said "No scam, no lie" which is a good advertising trick to draw attention to yourself.  Everybody began to scream "ZOMG SCAMMER" I got really fed up, because they continued to scream "SCAMMER" even after I put my spike on trade. I was really upset, so i locked. Now I'm being blackmailed by a 5 year old who can't spell. Sigh

Click here to go to her video. Please DO NOT give her ANY hate.  Jam on :)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Day in The Life of Cow

Hallo Jammers ^_^ Today, i'll be telling you about a really frightening experience I had. So, It starts like this. My dad and i went out to Micheal's to buy some things for my school project. My sister and mom tagged along, to buy my sister her halloween costume. Then, we met up in the Target to buy some stuff. My mom and I were in the chip aisle, and I was helping her look for our all-time favorite chips - the SALSITA chips. Suddenly, a man in a red striped shirt came into the aisle singing loudly. We walked out. We got some coffee cakes, and the man came in front of us again. He had no shopping bags, only one large duffel bag on his back. He ran through the door, and the shoplifter siren went off. Around 5 police men and women showed up and began asking him to come into the store (thinking it was a regular shoplifter) The man reached into his duffel bag, and a man in a grey shirt ran and grabbed him by the neck, and the female police officer grabbed his wrist. The man began to scream loudly, and they brought him into the room. We stood in awe, when around five or six more officers came for backup. We could hear screaming coming from the room, so we quickly left the store. outside, there was a woman sitting outside the store, taking pictures and then texting them, making calls over and over whenever police officers came into the store. iT was all a scary experience, and I wish it had never happened. I was so scared the entire time. I fully believe he had a firearm in his bag or pocket.

PS: Dont forget to join my green long spike giveaway, by commenting your username and why you want the spike in the comments section below! ^_^

Phantom Bracelet + Zombie Mask! - Green Long Wrist Giveaway

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Jammers. Cowlan here. Now, I'm typing this after a VERY scary event, so I hope you understand if this sounds really out of my normal style. ^_^

This is the new Zombie Mask. I think it is SO cute and adorable. I mean, who cant resist those eyes! ^_^

You know, i just had to use a MUCH more glamorous animal for this beautiful item. This can go GREAT with any phantom-themed costume. Even better for halloween!

Now, I am hosting a Green Long Wrist giveaway. To enter, you have to leave a comment with your Animal Jam Username and why you want it. Jam on!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

More Posts + New Laptop! & GREEN LONG GIVEAWAY

Hey Jammers, Cowlan here, and I got a new laptop! It's a MacBook Air. I have never used a Macbook before, so Im going to have to get used to this. :P

Anyways, now that I have a functioning laptop, I will now be writing daily posts at school. The school firewall blocks Animal Jam for some reason, so I'll have to reference off other blogs or prepare my post the previous day.
Read to the end to find out about my spike giveaway!

Other than that, if you'd like to enter a long green spike wrist giveaway, please enter your username and the reason you want the pie down below ^_^ 

I'd like to shoutout to the Animal Jam Scam Watchers Society. They are an excellent service to the Animal Jam Community, stopping scammers and exposing them. Here is their awesome blog here here! Anyways, have a paw-some day! Jam on!

Don't forget to joint he awesome green long wrist giveaway!

Some Art

So, I went on a raging draw-a-thon, and I drew a couple dradings. These two took me a combined time of 4 hours. They are my complete favorite Hope ya like them ^_^

I used my webcam to take the pictures, so it is tilted. Sorry :3

Just some practice with my old ink pens. The cute little witch in the corner as drawn by my sister and spiffed up by me. ^_^

Cute cats as drawn from Art Ala Carte's Youtube Channel. All credits go to her!

My apologies about the blur in the corner, I  had to blur out my name.

Well, that's all forms art craze today, Jam On!

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Today i went to the zoo with some friends for the first time in almost 5 years. We walked around and eventually had a race to see who could make it to the end of the zoo first (it takes almost an hour to walk the entire park) So we split up, and i eventually got lost. I wandered into an employee-only area, where i saw the lemurs up close (they were off-exhibit) I ran out of there, not wanting to get in trouble with management) My friends and i met up at a courtyard. Which just happened to have a floor full of jets of water that sprayed 4 feet high. Sooooo, among many 5-6 year olds, we ran through the water while being stared at by their parents. Ha ha that was fun. :) Eventually after 3 hours of walking we stopped to have lunch, all our money combined being $25. Ok, so get this guys. For a small hot-dog and chips, it is $6.99! and for a small HAMBURGER it is $9:85. That's insane. So, what did we do? WE SPENT ALL OUR MONEY :D I know, we make very smart financial decisions. In the end, we walked around aimlessly through he exhibits. Now I'm just ccurled up in bed watching Trap Nation videos and finishing my school powerpoint. Life is good. Have a good day (or night)!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Important Post


In my last post I talked about the Animal Jam Scam Watchers Society (commonly know as the AJSWS) Since their leader ,Cerise, retired, the society has fallen into  metaphorical ditch. Click here to go to their blog. If youc ould support them in any way that would be great. Play wild.

Ps, sorry for the inconsistant posting, going to a new school means LOTS of late night homework

Edit 10/8/2016: If you'd like to join read the blog for a while and then see about joining on their chat room. There is no guarantee you will be hired.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Animal Jam Scam Wtchers Society.

Hey Jammers, and, as most of you don't know, there is a Scam Watching society named the Animal Jam Scam Watchers Society. hey post scammers daily, and you can go for new scammers updated every day. Click HERE to go to the website.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Animal Jam Rant

Hey Jammers, Cowlan here. Alot of you may have heard of the recent drama in the Animal Jam Community.


Hey Jammers, Cowlan here with a scammer doing a gift swap scam.

I asked her, that if I gifted her a fox hat, if she would gift back a black long. She admitted she did not have a black long, probably because she would look to suspicious.

I then followed her around, and when she wouldn't answer me, I asked 'What would you say, If I told you, I had been recording you try and evade the trading system.

I then asked her to go to her den, and I began by telling her that, if she did not already know. AJHQ prohibited gift swapping. I took no pictured of this, as it does not affect her scamming. She then said, I'd never scam, and a few of her buddies came in to back her up. I then told her about the SCL, and she said, and I quote, "I BET U HAVE 0 VIEWS." Of course, I clicked into a new tab and saw 2,030 page views. Thanks guys! Anyways, she began saying she didn't care, although she said it in all caps, which is a bit of an oxymoron. Anyways, she got angry and locked me out before I could explain fully, so just report his chick for scamming. Cowlan out!

Side note: I posted this on the wrong blog, but I'll keep it on here anyways ^_^ 

Friday, July 29, 2016


Annnd I exist! X3 I'm back! I'm so so so sorry for not posting more often,but I have been more active                     on my scam catching blog, so go catch up to that at the AJSCL  blog.

I was about to quit blogging on the AJM, when my sister showed me these comments:

This first comment is by a close friend of mine I know IRL, and leaving me a hint that it's her is just her style ^_^

The next three are by Nafaria AJ, who owns the wonderful blog Animal Jam Whip!

The next two are two complete strangers, and thanks to their kindness, I'm back to blogging!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Spikes!, Pixel Place, Cami, Freedom Day, and Sloths?

                        Hey Jammers, Cowlan here, with the possible the best/worse update ever! 

AJHQ made us wait a little longer for the new updates, but we got them! Spikes are in the diamond shop!

Look similar? Yeah.. Looks like AJHQ thinks, "Welp, Minecraft is popular, Minecraft is 'pixely.' Let's add this house no one will buy to the game!"

I won't buy the new den, since I only have one diamond :'( and because it's just not worth it.

Penguins are back!! They are soooo CUTE! I just want to grab it and just.... (Lets out fangirl squeal) 

Now... AJHQ Has set up a 'Wild Explorer's Tent' in Coral Canyons! Featuring Cami. If you don't know who Cami is, here is a copy and pasted story!

This item  pays a tribute to Cami, a young girl who is a Leukemia survivor, and whose father works at WildWorks, A.K.A AJHQ. The Cami's Frog toy is based on Cami's favorite toy, Froggy.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jammer of the Week!

Hey Jammers! Cowlan here! Sorry ofr the long absence... I've been quite busy with the end of school. Anyways, today I've found the Jammer of the Week! Karina50000.

She is a nice Jammer, and always tries to make others happy. I noticed her when holding a giveaway, she sent gifts to the losers, as well. Go subrscribe to her channel, Karina50000 Gaming on YouTube. She has a goal of 30 subs currently. See you in Jamaa! Cowlan out!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hey Jammers! Cowlan here with some new items added to Animal Jam! Three new items in Treetop Gardens are roses and the Pygmy Date Palm! Be sure to buy them now. New item's to stuff into my overcrowded garden den...

With Summer starting (Hallelujah), AJHQ has brought back one of my FAVORITE dens of all time! The Waterpark den1

I'm super happy AJHQ decided to return the classic smaller dens, they're my favorite! Unfortunately, it is member only. :(

A beloved party has returned! Be sure to head out to the Atlantis party for some fun under the sea. See you in Jamaa! Cowlan out.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Items lost....

Hey Jammers. :( Bad news. AJHQ recycled some of my items.. I was recycling some unwanted items for gems, and AJHQ suddenly deleted a bunch of other items. My friendship tiki mask, and a few others I can't remember...



Hey Jammers! Cowlan here with a wonderful post about me. Today I had my graduation. I won the Best Student in Language Arts Reading and Citizenship Award! Sorry for the short post, I just thought I should tell you guys! Have a great day! ^.^

Monday, May 30, 2016

R.I.M Musketeer Hat

Hey Jammers! Cowlan here. Today, we have yet another R.I.M. Apparantley, the Rare Muskeetter hat is here. Personally, I feel AJHQ should become more creative with their rares, rather than taking an old item nobody uses and stamping a rare logo onto it.

I actually do love the color scheme for this one, though. It seems AJHQ is sticking to cooler colours lately. Buy yours in Jam Mart Clothing for 1,100 gems!

Finally, AJHQ updated their Instagram with the winners of the den decorating contest and the Masterpiece contest. 

Congrats to @skyfullofstarbucks, who won the drawing contest and @countrybearaj  for the sweet bee themed Peck den ^.^  

                                              Cowlan, signing off. See you in Jamaa!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Personal Painters Easle + Pixelated Item

                     Hey Jammers! Cowlan here, with some new items rolling into Jamaa.

Now, you can buy your own Painter's Easel in Epic Wonders for 1,500 gems. It's for member only, unfortunately, and is basically a portable paint studio you put in your den.

Friday, May 27, 2016


Hi guys. Today I can't contain my exitement, my life is turning towards the BEST! I'm ust so happy. I can'  just abandon this blog.. So here I am! I'm happy, and their's two more weeks of school! :'( :D Mixed emotions...  Enough about me, and more about the new updates!

On the first page, the update EVERYONE is really excited about.. You can draw a drawing, and then it becomes a den item you can trade, put in your den, and gift people. Great for auto's, right?

Unfortunaately, it may take up to two weeks for your masterpeice to get verified, but mine was verified in two days.

On the second page, we have the new Peck's Den. It costs 7 diamonds and is avialable for members only [ Sad face :'( ] I, personally, think its the best den yet and taht AJHQ did a very good job on making it.

It's really creative, has a few rooms, one hidden room, and is really naturey. I like it.

The arrow there points towards a secret room. Just walk right through that barrier there, and there is a small dungeon-like room. 

Hats are all 50% off, so be sure to buy some hats.... 

Now, unto something special.

New words you can type in Jam-a-Grams are Wisteriamoon, Aparri, and Wolffeycat. All of them got 100 K subscribers...

Cowlan out! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to leave a comment.