Tuesday, November 8, 2016

BunnyQueen645- report

Heeeeeeey jammers! Happy election day! (If you live in the U.S.A) Anyways, today will not be a normal post. I was trying to avoid this for as long as possible. I don't like drama. I didn't want to go into any specifics. But i see I now have to fight fire with fire. As many of you may not know, I am a part of a Scam Catching Society. Well, i was looking for scammers when I ran into BunnyQueen645 doing a giveaway. She said to look on her Jammer Wall for more information. * My screenshots are on my other desktop, I will try and get them ASAP, but my sister will not let me on. my apologies*

The only evidence I have now, is this (I got it off her Instagram)

*BELIEVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE IS A LACK OF EVIDENCE. Think of how long you have known me, and how long you have known BunnyQueen. Who will you trust? Now, I tend to be a bit skeptical myself, so I understand if you want or even NEED to wait until evidence emerges*

Her discipline history (Gotten off her Instagram) 

She has person, Language, and Other misdemeanors on her history.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Twists & Turns

Hey Jammers! Cowlan here. Today, I get onto Animal Jam- and played Twists & Turns for the first time in a year. This is my FAVORITE adventure. I just love the graphics and the den items look so nice. I just play it over and over. It's so soothing to me for some reason. 

Here's a map of the adventure. I really like how AJHQ made the question marks incomplete to confuse us.

Anywayssss, onto the new fall items.

This is the new acorn hat. When I first saw it thought it was a pineapple. It costs 600 gems

Saturday, November 5, 2016

BunnyQueen - STOP

Stop it PLEASE! Also, im a she, not a he. Common mistake. Just STOP!