Tuesday, November 8, 2016

BunnyQueen645- report

Heeeeeeey jammers! Happy election day! (If you live in the U.S.A) Anyways, today will not be a normal post. I was trying to avoid this for as long as possible. I don't like drama. I didn't want to go into any specifics. But i see I now have to fight fire with fire. As many of you may not know, I am a part of a Scam Catching Society. Well, i was looking for scammers when I ran into BunnyQueen645 doing a giveaway. She said to look on her Jammer Wall for more information. * My screenshots are on my other desktop, I will try and get them ASAP, but my sister will not let me on. my apologies*

The only evidence I have now, is this (I got it off her Instagram)

*BELIEVE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE IS A LACK OF EVIDENCE. Think of how long you have known me, and how long you have known BunnyQueen. Who will you trust? Now, I tend to be a bit skeptical myself, so I understand if you want or even NEED to wait until evidence emerges*

Her discipline history (Gotten off her Instagram) 

She has person, Language, and Other misdemeanors on her history.


  1. Really? You are seriously playing the innocent card? This happened so long ago, and not like you have not gotten suspended before. It's not even on my jammer wall anymore because I finished up the mailtime a while ago. Just stop playing the innocent card and learn the nice and right way to disagree. I'm done with your fake crap about me, and how did you even find my instagram??! That is just creepy and stalker like. (Unless you found it off of Skorms instagram because that's the most reasonable place for you to have found it.) Stop stalking me and playing the innocent card. Guys, I'm not in the guilty party here. It's like your frickin Killary Clinton and I'm Donald Trump. I'm gonna win.

    1. 1. You are accusing ME of playing the innocent card. i;ve been holding this off for as long as possible. you have made me feel like SHIT. Complete and total CRAP.
      2. i have been suspended- when the new chat system was put in and the filter's were ultra sensitive.
      3. Fake crap? Have you seen these pictures, sweetheart?
      4. You've been the one dragging on for WEEKS. Don't blame me.
      5. I got it off your blog. Wow! So stalker like. Honey, you shouldn't publicly post your Instagram and except nobody to find it!
      6. I don't know who Killary Clinton is, and I love the way you awkwardly throw politics in. How pathetic.

  2. Hmmmm... pathetic. Great word for describing yourself. But the question is, do you just go on instgram and search my username for YOUR pleasure. IF you have even been suspended, you don't know if this is why. And oh, so throwback to your rules on this blog. "If somebody curses flag the comment. You are being a hypocrite for not following your own rules, when even I am. And please do NOT call me sweetheart and honey. It is honestly just DISTURBING. And you are playing the innocent card. One, "Think of how long you have known me, and how long you have known BunnyQueen. Who will you trust?" Two, "My screenshots are on my other desktop. I will try to put them on ASAP but my sister won't let me on." INNOCENT! OBVIOUSLY INNOCENT! And again, see? You just got suspended and you were whining and complaining that I have. Just because I have gotten suspended does not mean that you can bring it out and use it as a "weapon." Just looking at your sad responses makes me WANT to feel soooooo bad for you. But I CAN'T. Because YOU are YOU. PATHETIC.

    1. I literally stated my username: novanightmares. Try to report me. And I said I wouldn't reply, but here's one thing for you: I'm not scared. I'm standing up for my friend Cowlan. I'm involved because you're abusing my friend. Lastly, I never said I had a problem with you advertising. I said you could've been more mature, and say you think Cowlan was mistaken, not swear at them on your blog. (BTW: Karma is considered real in certain religions, so please stop dissing a belief.)

    2. Feel free to rage at me on your blog, it'll be interesting to see what you make of me. Goodbye, I am not responding to further comments. -novanightmares

    3. There is something called sarcasm, and I believe it is quite obvious I'm being sarcastic in the context above.

    4. Also, pathetic bunny. You deleted one of your comments. -novanightmares

    5. I will not allow people to bash at religions on my blog.

    6. Ah, apologies for that. I was misinformed, so forgive me for that bash. Thanks cowlan. -novanightmares

    7. Np fam

  3. 2 words. Bunny Stop. PLEASE (no wait. that was 3.. this is more then 3. ack!)

  4. Cowlan, here is a really good blog! :D http://theanimaljamfriendshipcommunity.blogspot.com/

  5. I understand that it might be hard for you to accept my apology. But I tried. I'm truly sorry, and I wish we could still be buddies and talk this out but, you unbuddied me. I know that if you were me and I was you, I too would be hesitant to accept the apology. I just want you to know that whenever drama happens, that I'm in, I hold it out until the climax is sort of gone, then I realize I overreacted. I know I overreacted, and think what you want if I scammed or not. I understand life may be hard for you, and I know and understand NOW that we COULD have been friends. I AM still going to delete my news blog though. But I know people can't accept EVERY apology. I just wish you would accept mine.

    1. I understand you are trying to apologize, but I will not accept your apology due to the amount of harm you have caused me. Please do not try to contact me ever again. Thank you.

