Sunday, February 28, 2016

Awesome Den Episode #1

Hey guys! Today I found an AWESOME DEN! The owner of the den did NOT give me permission to show her username, so I've kept it confidential :3

Ilove the way she creatively used the Arcade den as a FOREST. A forest and an ARCADE havealmost nothing in common, yet she made it work! I love the way the trees are planted intot the stones, it gives it such a natural look.  The flooring was excelent, and you can't even SEE the wallpaper, making it look like the sky.

Overall, I'd rate this den:

3/5 stars for creativity
4/5 stars for beauty
2/5 stars for use of differing items
and 4/5 stars for creative placement of items.

Overall, a total of 13 stars! Not bad!

Bye Jammers! Jam on.

Comment Call: Where's the dragon?

Glitch or Danger & Leap Year Party and Other Updates!

   Happy Leap Year  guys! Cowlan here. Sorry for my long absence! I haven't really been posting this weekend because I (finally) had no homework. So, I took up the time being a couch potato, as well as riding my scooter and running around. All that great stuff...

Anyways, let's jump right into the glitch. I'm kind of worried, since March 1st is only 2 days away! But let's enjoy it while it lasts. I discovered this glitch when my sister was playing animal jam and changed the color of her fox's eyes. Along with he eyes, the clothes changed colors! For SOME reason, she was unable to put several clothing items on. When she danced, her outfits flashed from one to another. Unfortunately, this glitch doesn't work anymore. :C

Friday, February 26, 2016


Hey guys!!It's been a while.... Anyways, here's a sketch I just drew.

When you are suspended for no reason:

 That's my dog Cocoa.

I might color in the picture in a few weeks. Hope you like it!


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Chat+March 1st Warning & B-Day Party

Hey guys!

So, AJHQ has *gulp* "improved"  the chat system. Now, you can say kill, gun, knife, blood, gore, and other things. Oh my.... That may result in a few problems. *cough cough* Role-players *cough*

Anyways.. onto the March 1st. I warn you to stay off Animal Jam or be very cautious if you are on.  As many of you know, Mighty Squat 'claims' to be returning. Oh my.. Here is a link to my article on how to be safe:

Next thing is: MY BIRTHDAY! Yes, March 16th is my B-day. And, I will make a Birthday party on *checks calendar for a Friday*  on the 18th ,19th ,20th of March! ( I will also have one the following week if anybody missed it.)

Cowlan OUT! C:

Friday, February 19, 2016

Some Support!

Konichiwa C: Hello my friends! ^_^ Welcome to Walla Walla Land! (What did I just say? I don't even know...)Here is the first, ever AJNM Movement post on the AJM Blog! Anyways, away from that clique and very random intro...

Here are some comments K found on the Animal Jam blog the daily explorer...

AJHQ, Ya'll better listen!

To AJHQ: Hello? Can you hear me?


Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hello guys! I'm now on Transformice. My username is Cowlanaj and my password is noneofyourbuisness! Anyways,here are some pictures of me on transformice:

IM BACK + Won't Be Posting Too Much!

Hiya my papayas ^_^ I'm back. I have 4 days off of school. But, (as you know) my account has been suspended, and I know why. AJHQ received my email for a password reset, but I ignored it, and the code expired. (What is the purpose of it expiration date? :L No purpose whatsoever... Anyways, I won't be posting as often because my writing exams are in a few days. :() I am nervous. This means more homework, and less free-time. I have to write more and more essays, and study more. It probably won't be too difficult(the exam) since I've already nailed opinion essays. But, if it's information essays, I'm probably going to be extremely nervous. You're probably noticing the word nervous alot. Well, I'm in advanced classes, and my teacher has high expectations. This means more homework than everyone else. :(

Im back to school tomorrow!

I Was Assualted - Random Stuff That Happended Today

Heeeellllloooooo :3 Today I went to the park with my dad and sister to ride my scooter, and we brought some stale bread to feed the birds by the lake (Tropical weather here. Yes, in the US.) But anyways, I was riding down the hill and got thirsty, so I ran(rode, but it was so hard to ride uphill) to get water from the car. While I did that, I grabbed some bread and ran back. We sat on the table and fed the birds and this GINORMOUS goose came towards us and ate the bread right out of the air! Anyways, the birds came and litterly mobbed us. After they left we rode some more, got tired and sat on a bench and fed the birds. And we see these two swans swimming and I was like, "Look at those swans!" They came out of the water and we realized they were actually geese just HUGE! One male, one female. They came close to us and we ran out of bread. I bent down to grab a piece of crust to feed him, and he LUNGED AT ME! :O Then my dad shooed him away and kicked him. And the bird just stood there all like, "You better run boy! I'm not taking any of that shi-( remembers blog is age appropriate) stuff!" and he BITES my dads leg. Luckily he was wearing jeans. It was 40 yr old man V.S a 2 year old male swan and the swan went CRAZY and started biting and squawking and- oh my goodness! I litterly had to jump onto the table because he kept on attacking me!! It was scary but hilarous. My dad lost the battle *LOL* and we ended up running away.


Hope you guys weren't too bored reading that, but heres some more good news!


I drove a car today! Okay, I didn't 'drive,drive,' I just parked drove around a parking lot and then coasted into the parking space, but it was exciting! Thats all for today! Sorry for this long and kinda boring post!


Friday, February 12, 2016


1."You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

—Mahatma Gandhi
2."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

—Dr. Seuss

3. "The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting." 

—Walt Disney

4."The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

—Dolly Parton
  5. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
6."Don't count the days, make the days count."

—Muhammad Ali


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Scam Watch- Ready to Go!

Ok, my new SCAM WATCH! program :3 Ok, so, I can't do this without you guys! It works like this, you take a picture of a scammer. Username and all. Confront them, without bullying, and take a snapshot or video!


Post the video as a comment.

Step 3: Entry From as below:

Username: Cowlan

Name of scammer(s): Flappybird88qhy218yzujhe8yz33

Date: 2/11/2016

Type of scam: flash trade.


Thanks guys for the support! Together we can GET RID of scammers.

Scam catching is like a candle. One person needs to light it, another needs to admire it, and another needs to put it out.

Suspended? :(

I can't go on Animal Jam, and I'm putting in the right password :O SHOCKER!!

Choose one:

A. Animal Jam Headquarters (A.K.A AJHQ) is ignoring Cowlan's notice for a password reset.

B. Cowlan has been banned and/or suspended from the game.

Hopefully, it's neither and just a "technical difficulties." Yeah. Likely story. But anyways, on a lighter note, here are some blogs  support.

Animal Jam Scam Watchers Society (or the AJSWS)

Come here once a week for reports on scammers. Great blog.

The Animal Jam Sunshine Blog. 

Animal Jam Updates an random blogged. Owned y my friend 2fangwolf. Be sure to check it out.

Animal Jam Spirit Blog.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Valentine Updates ❤💗 + Special Suprise

Hi!  Déjà Vu, Hi! Lol. Anyways! XD You'll have to keep reading for the, "Special Surprise!" Anyways, Specal delivery has come around town (again) Sometimes I think AJHQ just runs out of ideas!

Well that turned.... dark..... XD. F.Y.I.: Coco Fa is my dog Coco's Nick nick name. 
That was my sister, by the way. That's not me.

So this is why so many Jammers are unemplyed.... Doesn't this happpen like, EVERY YEAR ON THE SAME DAY? XD

#1 - The new kid in town...

My name is Ryan. If you haven't noticed, I'm a orange rabbit XD. But anyways, I have a little sister named Lillith or Lil' Lil'
Me: Mom, I'm going to go watch Lilith. Ok?

Mom: -Cough- Ok, hun. Could you bring me some soup, too?

Me: Sure!

Lilith: Back! Back!

So I gave her a piggy-back ride. Then I gave mom a soup.

Me: Ok Lil' Lil',this once! Now, let's go get mom some soup and the go outside...

Mom: Thanks, ah, that's good.



Me: Hey guys, look, a new kid arrived.

Actually, I was suspicious, he was a tiger, named Jake. He just stood in a corner during class. When we went outside, he didn't play sink the ship, where we got into our toy ships and tried to sink each other. He stood near the bench and hid behind the ballons. And. Stared. At. Me.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Andre the Bunny

#1 - The new kid in town...


1st Scrapbook Post!

Hola amigos! Como estas? He-he, I have to practice mi Espanol! :3 Anyways, heres a look at some fun photos!