Saturday, February 20, 2016

Chat+March 1st Warning & B-Day Party

Hey guys!

So, AJHQ has *gulp* "improved"  the chat system. Now, you can say kill, gun, knife, blood, gore, and other things. Oh my.... That may result in a few problems. *cough cough* Role-players *cough*

Anyways.. onto the March 1st. I warn you to stay off Animal Jam or be very cautious if you are on.  As many of you know, Mighty Squat 'claims' to be returning. Oh my.. Here is a link to my article on how to be safe:

Next thing is: MY BIRTHDAY! Yes, March 16th is my B-day. And, I will make a Birthday party on *checks calendar for a Friday*  on the 18th ,19th ,20th of March! ( I will also have one the following week if anybody missed it.)

Cowlan OUT! C:

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