Saturday, March 5, 2016

Is It Rare?? #1 Fox Hats

Hey guys, today I'll be launching my "Is It Rare?' series on my blog. Hopefully, this will help stop Jammers from trading away rare items, OR keeping unrare items thinking they were 'super rare.' C:

DISCLAIMER: This is based upon my opinion and what I have noticed around Jamaa. Do not hate if this is inaccurate. Simply comment in a civilized manner.

Fox Hats

 In my opinion, Fox Hats aren't really that rare. Almost everybody has at least one.

If you're new to Animal Jam, the collection of Rare fox hats are White, Pink, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Light Peach, Orange (the most common), Grayish- Blue, and Dark Red. They are all rare. Fun fact though, there used to be Non- Rare Fox Hats.

On the rarity scale, Fox Hats are a 4. Here are the fox hats in order of rarity:

The least rare is orange, since it was sold as a rare item Monday back in 2012; also because alot of Jammers have or have had one. :3 I wouldn't trade for this one, try playing adventures instead. But if you want to trade, it is USUALLY worth any Freedom item, except Freedom Bunny hat, as well as the least rare bow and arrow.

The Light Peach Fox Hat is the second to least rare; and a bit less common. Jammers who started playing the game for about 3 years are likely to have one. (They were alot more common then.)
The next fox hat is the Light Blue one. Mediumly rare.  You could get a Rare Bow and Arrow, maybe a Rhino Helmet, as well as some Rare Elf Bracelets in exchange for two.

Dark Blue Fox Hat
Dark Blue Fox Hat: Very Rare! Worth two of every rare bow except Black and White ones. A friend of mine trader hers for a Tan worn. If you don't want an over-trade, you could trade one Fox Hat for any of the following items. Rare Elf Armor, two Rare Bows of any color except Black or White, A Sky Blue worn, or two Fox Hats for a Beta Bongo Drum.

The Grayish-Blue Fox Hat is the next rarest one. Possibly worth a light blue worn, tan worn, or a light pink worn. You could also trade one for Two of any Rare Bow & Arrow. 

The Pink Fox Hat is worth quite a bit. Many Jammers (Mainly Girls 8 and under) will trade alot for this item, but it depends on the person and what they are looking for.

Dark Red Fox Hat
White Fox Hats are the second-to-most Rare Fox Hat. It is not very common, so you could get a Bubble-Gum Pink worn, Elf Bracelets, and/or any color of rare bow out of it. 

Dark Red Fox Hats are the most rare. You could get 2-3 bows from this. If you're not a fan of Bow&Arrows, you could get A Rare Elf Armor, A Light Blue or Light Pink Worn, or possibly a Beta Bongo Drum.

Overall, I find Fox Hats nice and a very good item to complete any outfit, but they aren't really that rare. Use this guide to find the right one for you.

Comment Call: Which Fox Hat color do YOU have?

1 comment:

  1. how rare is light blue? you didnt answer that i have 1 and i dont know
