Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It Is *Gulp* Safe + Testing OVER AND DONE & Awesome Dens Episode #2

Hey guys! So, I came on Animal Jam, expecting it to be overrun by WretchedJungle accounts. But it seems nobody remembers the March 1st threat. Even Mighty Squat themselves. If you are still afraid, just don't go on Animal Jam. :)
The picture to the left of me has been DEBUNKED! ^_^

Away from that, the final exams were today. Gosh, I was nervous. But I got through.It was particularly easy. After all, we had 2 hours!


I hope you guys like my idea of Awesome Dens Episodes, since this one is the second in the series! The username is Wimpy14. Most likely a storage.

Non Member this time! Very nice, I love the way she crowded the plushies. (Looks cozy.)

I don't like the outside too much, It looks empty..

2/5 stars for creativity
                                                4/5 stars for beauty
 5/5 stars for use of differing items
                          and  2/5 stars for creative placement of items.

                                          A total of 13 points.. again.

Unfortunately, I had to lower the score due to bullying in the den (See my scammer blog) I have decided to erase 3 points for bullying and scamming. So 10 points.

Not too shabby!

As always, ciao Jammers! Jam on!

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