Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spring Updates & Scammer Blog READY

Hey Jammers! ^_^  According to AJHQ, winter is unfortunately OVER. Here is a short review of the Jamaa Journal.

Otters are back, and I didn't even notice they were gone. AJHQ really needs to start releasing less pointless animals! It really wastes diamonds, and not to etion people's money. :O Animal Jam's EVIL plot! C:

So, skunks are coming to Jamaa. Hmm... they kinda remind me of Sow Leopards. Onto the Lucky castle. It is very nice! (Check den review) One word though. Member. Really AJHQ? Do you guys think they realize non-member's EXIST? Oh well, there's always next time! :) 

Otters come, rhinos leave. I guess another animal will fill the gap??

Other than that, Play Wild has been updated.

Sorry for the short post. I'll extend it later. I was kinda rushed, since it's so late. Ciao! 

Comment Call: If you were on this swing, sitting in this position, while it was moving; would you be horrified. Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't be horrified; it actually looks quite relaxing.
    But I guess it depends on how high the swing is..
