Thursday, October 13, 2016


Today i went to the zoo with some friends for the first time in almost 5 years. We walked around and eventually had a race to see who could make it to the end of the zoo first (it takes almost an hour to walk the entire park) So we split up, and i eventually got lost. I wandered into an employee-only area, where i saw the lemurs up close (they were off-exhibit) I ran out of there, not wanting to get in trouble with management) My friends and i met up at a courtyard. Which just happened to have a floor full of jets of water that sprayed 4 feet high. Sooooo, among many 5-6 year olds, we ran through the water while being stared at by their parents. Ha ha that was fun. :) Eventually after 3 hours of walking we stopped to have lunch, all our money combined being $25. Ok, so get this guys. For a small hot-dog and chips, it is $6.99! and for a small HAMBURGER it is $9:85. That's insane. So, what did we do? WE SPENT ALL OUR MONEY :D I know, we make very smart financial decisions. In the end, we walked around aimlessly through he exhibits. Now I'm just ccurled up in bed watching Trap Nation videos and finishing my school powerpoint. Life is good. Have a good day (or night)!

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