Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Day in The Life of Cow

Hallo Jammers ^_^ Today, i'll be telling you about a really frightening experience I had. So, It starts like this. My dad and i went out to Micheal's to buy some things for my school project. My sister and mom tagged along, to buy my sister her halloween costume. Then, we met up in the Target to buy some stuff. My mom and I were in the chip aisle, and I was helping her look for our all-time favorite chips - the SALSITA chips. Suddenly, a man in a red striped shirt came into the aisle singing loudly. We walked out. We got some coffee cakes, and the man came in front of us again. He had no shopping bags, only one large duffel bag on his back. He ran through the door, and the shoplifter siren went off. Around 5 police men and women showed up and began asking him to come into the store (thinking it was a regular shoplifter) The man reached into his duffel bag, and a man in a grey shirt ran and grabbed him by the neck, and the female police officer grabbed his wrist. The man began to scream loudly, and they brought him into the room. We stood in awe, when around five or six more officers came for backup. We could hear screaming coming from the room, so we quickly left the store. outside, there was a woman sitting outside the store, taking pictures and then texting them, making calls over and over whenever police officers came into the store. iT was all a scary experience, and I wish it had never happened. I was so scared the entire time. I fully believe he had a firearm in his bag or pocket.

PS: Dont forget to join my green long spike giveaway, by commenting your username and why you want the spike in the comments section below! ^_^

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